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How to Use Your Feminine Energy to Skyrocket Your Self-Worth

How to Use Your Feminine Energy to Skyrocket Your Self-Worth

Every person has divine feminine energy within us, regardless of if you’re female or male. But in today’s society a lot of us are taught that it’s best to push away our feminine energy.

In men being feminine is seen as being weak. In women being feminine is seen as being wild, out of control and too much.

But what we as a society have lost touch with and an understanding of is that our feminine energy is apart of us and that each of us needs to tap into that energy to truly balance between the masculine and feminine energy that is present in each and every one of us.

While feminine energy can be harnessed to use for a multitude of things, this article specifically details how tapping into your feminine energy by being more sensual empowers you to feel more self-worth, self-love and ditch the self-doubt.

Feminine energy | Divine feminine energy | Masculine and feminine energy | Increase feminine energy | Feminine energy meaning | Healing feminine energy | Embracing feminine energy | Goddess feminine energy | Sacred feminine energy
Healing feminine energy and tapping into it is a powerful tool we all have access to.

Why embracing feminine energy is so important

Your feminine energy is not something to be ignored. Your feminine energy is what allows you to relax, recharge and come at things as your best self. Your feminine energy is what allows you to connect with yourself, to trust yourself and to love yourself.

Without feminine energy your focus becomes very masculine, as what our society sees mostly as do, do, do. Masculine energy is what keeps us striving for more, accomplishing things and getting shit done. And while all of that is wonderful, we don’t want to be in that energy all of the time.

Tapping into your feminine energy is important because it allows you to just be. Remember, we’re here as human beings, not human doings.

The more you allow yourself to just be as you are with no judgement, just acceptance, the more you’re connecting with your feminine energy and that’s damn powerful.

I’ll let you know that it’s not easy, not easy in a society that has taught us that you’re not enough. Not pretty enough, not smart enough, not doing enough, not skinny enough.

Reconnecting with your feminine energy allows you to be enough just as you are. This is how you increase your self-worth and self-love. This is how you ditch the constant self-doubt and just begin to trust yourself and the decisions you make.

This is why embracing your feminine energy is so damn important. It allows you to just be you without changing a thing.

Feminine energy | Divine feminine energy | Masculine and feminine energy | Increase feminine energy | Feminine energy meaning | Healing feminine energy | Embracing feminine energy | Goddess feminine energy | Sacred feminine energy
Blocked feminine energy can leave us out of touch with our senses, which can bring us so much joy.

How to increase feminine energy

One of the questions most commonly asked is how one can reconnect to their feminine energy and to allow that energy back into your life.

The good news is that it’s really simple. And while it may be simple, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s easy.

Put simply, increasing your feminine energy is learning how to slow way. Way down.

The best way to do this is to become more sensual. Becoming sensual does not mean you become sexier. But, if becoming sexier is you, then you do you boo.

Being sensual just means that you learn to embrace all of your senses. It means that you enjoy the smell of wine or an apple before taking a sip or a bite. And then feeling the sensation and taste on your tongue, as it goes down your throat and into your stomach.

Feminine energy | Divine feminine energy | Masculine and feminine energy | Increase feminine energy | Feminine energy meaning | Healing feminine energy | Embracing feminine energy | Goddess feminine energy | Sacred feminine energy
Embrace your divine goddess energy whenever you can.

It means you learn to listen to the sounds of nature. It means that you begin to learn the signs from your body. It means that you use all of your senses to truly experience each and every moment.

In a world that is all about rushing around we rarely take the time to enjoy the simple pleasures in life. We rarely give ourselves the time to just be and to truly listen.

This is what being sensual means.

And the more sensual you are, the more you’re tapping into your feminine energy, the more you’re learning to just be.

The more you learn to just be, the more you’re telling yourself, signalling to yourself that it’s okay to take time to yourself, it’s okay to notice the little things, it’s okay to be with yourself just as you are.

The more you’re okay with being just as you are, the more confident you’ll become and the more your self-worth will skyrocket.

Feminine energy | Divine feminine energy | Masculine and feminine energy | Increase feminine energy | Feminine energy meaning | Healing feminine energy | Embracing feminine energy | Goddess feminine energy | Sacred feminine energy
Your sacred feminine energy is what makes you so damn powerful.

Being in your feminine energy is powerful AF

I hope you understand by now just how powerful it is to lean into your feminine energy.

Getting in touch with your feminine energy is what connects you to your truth and back to yourself.

Being confident as yourself, having self-worth and self-love is powerful. Why do you think we’re constantly told by the media and society and companies that we need to change? Why do you think we’re constantly marketed to as not being enough?

Because when you tap into your feminine energy, when you fully embrace who you are as a woman and understand your self-worth you realize that you don’t need anything other than your own truth, love and power to be, do and have anything.

And that, dear goddess, is power.

Feminine energy | Divine feminine energy | Masculine and feminine energy | Increase feminine energy | Feminine energy meaning | Healing feminine energy | Embracing feminine energy | Goddess feminine energy | Sacred feminine energy
Getting in touch with feminine energy means being more sensual with yourself.

Start embracing that power and self-worth by truly enjoying each and every moment (or as much as you can) by using all of your senses.

And watch as your world, confidence and love completely transforms.

It may seem too easy, but the easiest things are quite often the things that impact us the most.

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