Loneliness is a tough emotion and one that is not usually welcome. The good news is that being alone is not the same as being lonely, so even when it’s just you and yourself, it’s still possible to get out of loneliness all on your own. The bad news is that loneliness can strike even when around people. That just means it’s on you to figure out why you’re lonely around those people and then do your best to move through your feelings of loneliness.
One way to get through loneliness and to help relieve this difficult emotion is through yoga. Movement, specifically yoga, is an amazing tool to help you come back to yourself, the present moment, and learn to understand where the emotion is sitting in your body and to move that emotion, energetically, out. Yoga, by combing your mind and body to focus on what’s happening right now, the pose that you’re in, is what brings you into the moment where you’re able to notice all of your sensations and feelings.
Yoga for Loneliness Sequence
This 34-minute yoga sequence is designed to be an easy flow, pretty much all on the ground, so that you can feel supported literally by your mat and the ground below you, as a reminder that you’re never truly alone. Support is always available when you need it, even if it’s just your yoga mat!
Hop into something comfy, grab a block or a thick book and see you on the mat!
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Yoga Poses for Loneliness
Don’t have time for a full yoga class? No worries! Even just a single yoga pose or a couple can help you come back to yourself and the present moment, allowing you to feel into whatever it is you need to. The best thing about these yoga poses is that they can be done in bed!

Seated Spinal Twist Pose (Parivrtta Sukhasana)
Begin sitting with your legs crossed, either foot in front. Lengthen your spine, reaching the crown of your head towards the sky. Inhale, reach your arms up, exhale, twist to the right. Place your left hand on your right thigh, just above your knee, and your right hand directly behind you. Option to have a flat hand or to be on your fingertips, depending on the length of your arm and comfort.
With each inhale lengthen your spine and feel the space between your ribs and vertebrae. With each exhale twist, depending if your spine allows it without forcing yourself deeper. Aim to use your core to turn your body. Look over your right shoulder towards the right or behind you.
Hold for 3-5 deep breaths. Return your spine to neutral, facing straight ahead, and take at least one breath before moving to the other side.
Variations: If it’s more comfortable, opt to place a prop such as a block or a book under your hand behind you to bring the ground up to you so you can keep your spine as straight as possible without leaning back.

Thread the Needle Pose (Parsva Balasana)
From your hands and knees with your shoulders over your wrists and your hips over your knees, inhale and reach your right hand up to the sky. Allow your gaze to follow. Exhale, thread your right arm under your body, allow your right shoulder and right cheek to come to rest on the mat.
Stay here or reach your left arm forward for more support and comfort. Option to lift your left arm off of the mat up and behind your lower back, aiming to hook your hand on the top of your right thigh, right by your hip crease. It’s totally fine to just have it rest of your lower back too!
Breathe for 3-5 breaths or for however long you need here. To come out, place your left hand back under your left shoulder, reach your right hand up into the air, like how you started. Repeat on the other side.
Variation: For a more intense variation, with your arms in any of the variations described above, push the top of your right foot into the mat to steady yourself. Reach your left foot back, your toes curled on the mat. Find your stability and then lift your left leg off of the mat, pushing your left heel back into an imaginary wall.

Sphinx Pose (Salamba Bhujangasana)
Come to lay on your belly. Prop yourself up by placing your forearms and palms flat on the mat, your elbows directly under your shoulders and pulled close to your sides. Adjust your gaze so that it’s in line with your spine, looking straight ahead or just past the top of your mat.
Inhale, feel your spine lengthen as you gently push your hands and forearms into the mat and pull back, your chest opens. This is a very subtle sensation, barely a movement. Exhale, allow your hips to settle into the mat, feeling heavy. Close your eyes and notice how you feel during this gentle backbend.
For an active variation, push into the tops of your feet to engage your legs. For a restorative variation, release any tension from your glutes by giving your butt a wiggle and let your heels fall towards the edges of your mat.
Hold for 5 deep breaths.

Reclined Spinal Twist (Supta Matsyendrasana)
Come to lay on your back with your legs extended. Inhale, bring your right knee towards your chest. With your left hand, hold onto your outer right thigh, just above your knee and gently guide your right knee towards the left. Extend your right arm straight out to the side from your shoulder with your palm facing down.
Allow your right hip to come off of the ground and your right knee to fall as far as it will naturally without force. Breathe deeply, your right knee may move as you move deeper into the twist. Allow your gaze to be straight up or look towards the right in the opposite direction of your knee.
Hold for 3-5 breaths. Repeat on the other side.
Variations: If your knee doesn’t touch the ground and its uncomfortable place prop such as a block, book, or pillow under your knee to help support you.

Half Frog Pose (Ardha Bhekasana)
Come to lay on your belly. Stack your hands on top of each other under your forehead and use them as a pillow for your head. Keeping your leg on the ground, bring your right knee out to your right-hand side until your knee is in line with your hip. Your ankle will follow. Your right leg should create a 90-degree angle. Just lay here, feeling fully supported for as many breaths that feel good. Repeat on the other side.
I hope these yoga poses and yoga flow for loneliness will help to support you when you’re feeling lonely. Know that you are never alone, people and help are always available, sometimes it just takes reaching out. Enjoy your day yogi!