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Yoga for Self Love: A 7-Day Self Love Yoga Journey

Yoga for Self Love: A 7-Day Self Love Yoga Journey

Self love is such a personal journey and one that can begin and change directions many times. It can also have many different directions or focus such as a self love body image journey, a self care self love journey, a health self love journey, even a spiritual self love journey, and more.

Regardless of why you’ve chosen to focus on self love, I believe that yoga is a generous practice in the sense that it can encompass many different self love journey’s. Yoga can help to improve body image by connecting you to your body, it can assist in your journey to whatever you define as health through movement, it’s a form of self care, and spiritually, well journey can help you connect to your mind and soul too.

No matter if you’re new yoga yoga or have been practicing for a while, this 7-day self love yoga series is so much more than just the physical (asana) practice. Yes, you will be guided through poses and sequences, but you will also be called to delve deeper into yourself through breath and reflection.

There are 7 at-home yoga videos in total, none more than 35 minutes long, that you can practice daily for one week. They do not need to be practiced in order or even each day. Bookmark this page and come back to it as needed to find a practice that feels good for you each day.

Each yoga sequence is created around a mantra that was picked as a step on your way to self love and weaves the mantra as the intention and theme throughout the class so that you never forget why you stepped onto the mat today.

What you’re able to let go of on the mat you’ll be able to leave there too and take your new sense of self, love, and confidence off of the mat and into your daily life too.

Prefer to practice on YouTube? Subscribe to find more yoga flows!

Self Love Yoga Classes

Ready to get started? Pick a yoga class below, or start from the beginning, and I’ll see you on the mat yogi!

Day 1: I Accept Myself

This yoga video focus is on self acceptance. You may be learning to accept your body, accept where you are in your yoga journey, or something else, it doesn’t matter as accepting each bit of yourself is getting you one step closer to self acceptance.

Day 2: I Am Enough

This yoga video focus is on self worth and feeling like you are enough, no matter how much or little you do. Not feeling like you are enough is common in one or multiple areas of your life. But building your self worth and confidence on the mat can also do the same for your life off of the mat too.

Day 3: I Am Proud

This yoga video focus is on remembering the moments that you’re proud of. When you reflect back on even the little things that make you proud you give yourself a confidence boost which you can even feel in your practice. This I am proud of myself yoga sequence weaves the theme throughout the class while you practice yoga poses that boost your confidence, self worth, and remind you of how far you’ve come.

Day 4: I Am Amazing

This yoga video focus is on having FUN and reminding yourself that you’re amazing, even when things feel challenging on and off the mat!

Day 5: I Am Powerful

This yoga video focus is yoga to feel powerful and strong. You may have already guessed, this self love yoga practice is a power yoga sequence! If you’re new to power yoga or don’t feel like a strong yoga practice today there are always variations offered. Feeling powerful is not always from the intensity, but from learning to surrender as well.

Day 6: I Am Fabulous

yoga video focus is yoga to feel fabulous! Being fabulous and accepting that we all are in our own way gives us the space to embrace our “too muchness” and to truly be ourselves. Your body is fabulous for moving, your style is fabulous because you feel great in your clothes, you are fabulous when you are just being you.

Day 7: I Am Love

This yoga video focus is what we’ve been leading up to all week: love. Yoga to love yourself, yoga to feel loved, yoga to receive love. This gentle sequence will open your heart and give you the space in your chest for love.

Loved these videos? Subscribe on YouTube for more, a new yoga video is released every Thursday!

Bonus: Short & Simple Meditation for Self Love

Recommended Yoga Props

Some of these classes require no props, others it is recommended that you use some of the props below to help assist your practice.

More self love yoga & self love tips!

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