Traditionally known from Sanskrit as Savasana, you may also hear this pose referred to as corpse pose. It is my personal preference that I choose to only say Savasana because it is so widely known and I just don’t like the name corpse pose! Savasana is the ultimate relaxation pose. But even though it’s simple, there are a few things to keep in mind in your own practice or classes to make it as relaxing as possible.
Get into Savasana Step-by-Step
- Begin by hugging your knees into your chest.
- Release your legs long to hip or mat width distance apart.
- Let your arms float away from your sides, palms facing up.
- Take up space.
- Physical: Offers full relaxation of the entire body. Gives the body time to integrate physical changes that happened throughout the class. Lengthens the spine.
- Energetic: The Urinary Bladder is stimulated through the length of the spine.
- Emotional & Mental: Gives the mind time to integrate what lessons or realizations may have come up during class. Activates the crown chakra which gives space to thoughts and higher consciousness.
- If pregnant rest on your side instead. A bolster or block between the legs may feel more comfortable.
- For lower back discomfort or hip tension push your feet into the mat, lengthen your tailbone to the top of your mat and then resettle your spine to the mat.
- Supported Savasana: Place a bolster, blocks, or a rolled blanket under your knees. This can feel nourishing for the lower back and provide a release in the hips.
- Stonehenge: Place two blocks close to the top of your mat on the first or second height. The blocks should be the distance apart that your legs are in Savasana. Place a bolster across the top of the blocks. Come to rest your calves or feet on the bolster.
- Use a folded blanket under your head for extra cushion. Be mindful not to have it folded too high. You want to keep a neutral spine.
- Drape a blanket over your entire body. This provides a cozy, grounding sensation.
- Block out distractions by using an eye pillow.
Get Out of the Pose
- Begin by deepening your breath.
- Rock your head from side to side.
- Wiggle your fingers and toes.
- Draw your knees into your chest one at a time.
- Roll side to side until you come to rest in fetal position on your right-hand side.
- Take your time as you push yourself up into a comfortable seat.
Counter Poses
- None required.
- May feel nice to sit in meditation pose.
How Long to Hold Savasana?
- 5-10 minutes.
- For newer students begin with 5 minutes and work up to 10 minutes.
- It’s said that 5 minutes of Savasana should be taken for every 15 minutes of practice. Try an extra-long Savasana!