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Advanced YTT & a Business Mastermind: My Review of Uplifted 300-Hour Yoga Teacher Training

Advanced YTT & a Business Mastermind: My Review of Uplifted 300-Hour Yoga Teacher Training

I first thought that the Uplifted 300-hour yoga teacher training sounded too good to be true. How could you combine all of the ancient teachings of yoga for advanced students and also teach people how to start, run, and thrive in becoming a yoga entrepreneur? And all in only 300 hours?!

Turns out it wasn’t, because I took the training and was thoroughly impressed from the get-go. 

I started this advanced yoga teacher training like many of you, with my 200-hour YTT under my belt but lacking the confidence I craved in my teaching. I was teaching part-time at two local studios, had a YouTube channel that didn’t make me any money (I did it mostly for practice), and an established blog.

I had no experience teaching privates, marketing, hosting workshops, or knew who exactly my ideal client even was. All I knew was that I wanted to teach yoga full-time through retreats and online courses and recognized that I had big money mindset blocks. I needed guidance in how to shift my business from writing on a blog, to marketing to an audience that wanted to work with me.

Spoiler alert: I created 2 online courses during this advanced teacher training, began offering private yoga classes, taught multiple workshops, and launched my first retreat just after graduating! Talk about being supported in taking action.

Of course I was also interested in learning about yoga on a deeper level so I could teach from a place of more confidence and be able to share my passion for yoga philosophy clearly. Understanding the yogic concepts of the 8 limbs of yoga and beyond was a very important part of picking a training for me. 

I know that choosing a 300-hour YTT is a daunting task with so many options available. I don’t take it lightly when I say that I highly recommend Uplifted yoga teacher training to support you in furthering your yoga education and business dreams.

Disclosure: I am not an affiliate, but I did receive a slight discount on my course tuition in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

What Makes Uplifted 300/500 Hour Advanced Yoga Teacher Training Stand Out?

Two main reasons: 300/500 hour YTT offers both a high-quality yoga education AND a business mastermind. If you walked out of your 200-hour yoga teacher training excited to teach but stopped short because you realized that you don’t actually know how to run a business…you’re not alone! Whether you want to become a full-time yoga teacher, pursue it as a hobby (but still make some money), or simply for your own depth of knowledge, having a large portion of the training focus on business is beneficial for all.

1. Advanced Yoga Training + Business Coaching + High End Mastermind

What separates Uplifted’s advanced yoga teacher training from the rest is that it recognizes that yoga students want and need so much more than just further knowledge on anatomy, sequencing, and philosophy. Students crave the how-to steps of exactly how to pass on the ancient knowledge of yoga to their students and be able to support themselves financially too.

The 300/500 hour program does not skip on any of the need-to-know (plus more) lessons in regards to updating your teaching skills, but it also has a large component on money and mindset. These are necessary skills that not only enhance you as a teacher but also assist in removing any blocks that you may have in starting or expanding your yoga business.

The training is purposely designed to move from the subtle body to the physical body. It will take you on a yoga journey from understanding the energetics and science behind yoga to developing a deeper understanding of your mind and your relationship to money. Not to mention your relationship with your customers/students as well as the mechanics of advanced sequencing and branding your business. Plus, you’re left with a complete manual and module with exact sequences, workshop outlines, and how-to videos for handling the technical side and behind-the-scenes of being a yoga teacher.

While you move through the training you are fully supported with a mix of live calls that are a combination of lectures, coaching, and masterminds with your fellow students. You will be fully supported by the educators and other members of your cohort with plenty of time to share your ideas, refine your plans, and get clarity on yogic tools and practices.

2. Manuals

Yes, you read that right, you get multiple manuals! Each full colour manual is packed full of exercises, journal prompts, plenty of space for notes, images, helpful points to remember, and inspiring quotes. 

Forget having to scroll back through hours of video content, the must-remember highlights of training are easy to find in each manual. The exercises and journal prompts encourage you to practice what you learn right away, and give you the opportunity to test your knowledge before you step out and teach it.

I personally refer to the manuals weekly, whether that’s to review how to price a product, refine talking points on the chakras for a class theme, or for assistance on specific words to use for branding to speak to my audience.

3. A Star-Studded Cast of Guest Experts

Whether you’re familiar with the guest experts or not, they are complete all-stars that are some of the best authorities in the world in their given specialties. Before I even started the program I was sold because Anodea Judith Phd, the leading expert on chakras delivers a section that dissects the chakras and how to use them for healing and in your yoga classes.

Danni Pomplun brings an incredibly magnetic energy that you can’t help but feel confidence radiate towards you. He breaks down advanced sequencing in a way that makes it so simple to create sequences for any level and any body.

Kristin Leal delivers the science of anatomy, the subtle body, mind, and breath in such a unique and loving way that interweaves with yoga philosophy. Her kind teaching style and knowledge is absolutely incredible and will leave you feeling empowered sharing new practices and techniques with your students.
Other guest teachers make appearances too that discuss anything from diversity in yoga spaces to legal requirements for trademarking, teaching kids yoga to restorative yoga, archetypes, and more.

4. Community is at the Core of this Teacher Training

There’s a reason why this training isn’t self-paced…community is at the forefront. Yes, you have tons of content to move through at your own pace before the training begins and during, but you also have weekly calls with your cohort. Having a time to show up with the same group of people not only gives you motivation to finish, but people to mastermind with, support to ask questions, and inspiration from those who have been where you are. The live calls connect you with your trainers and fellow trainees and ensure that you have the utmost clarity on the content you take in from the pre-recorded material.

5. Be to Able to Teach Yoga to Anyone and Everyone

One of the most common doubts from teachers is whether or not they can make modifications for injuries or adapt poses for different bodies’ capabilities. Uplifted 300-hour covers that (and more). Practice, teach, and dissect the mechanics on live calls by studying therapeutic yoga. Learn what progressions and regressions are to make any pose adaptable for any body. Receive tips on language, safety, and mindfulness when it comes to teaching trauma informed yoga from multiple experts on the topic. Plus partake in a workshop for teaching kids.

6. Done-For-You Content Sets You Up for Success As A Yoga Teacher

Of 4 modules, the final module is completely dedicated to getting you teaching as easily as possible. Want to host a workshop? There’s a breakdown for a workshop sequence in regards to timing, what to share, and how to be a powerful facilitator. Want to teach beginners? There’s an entire class series for that. No idea how to film yourself? There’s a step-by-step lecture for that. Not sure how to track your finances, create a team, or begin hiring? You bet there’s material to support you for it all!

You can take the done-for-content and be ready to host a workshop by next week. It’s truly that simple so that you have zero excuses for getting out there and sharing your spectacular voice, vision, and passion with the world.

And there’s more to look forward to…

  • Dive deeper into the world of fascia and learn skilled techniques that are amazing to use for private clients, such as body reading, hands-on-assists, and practices to incorporate into your classes.
  • Pay once, get lifetime access. No need to look for hidden or renewal fees with this training.
  • Get the manuals shipped to your doorstep (often included for USA residents).
  • No paperwork stress! Anything that needs to be done to be Yoga Alliance certified is already done for you. Uplifted is a YA certified online school and allows you to graduate as a certified advanced yoga teacher.
  • Continue to receive support from the alumni network that is active after you finish your training.
  • As an alumni you get discounts for some other Uplifted training too!

What to Expect When You Sign-Up for 200/300-Hour Yoga Teacher Training

You get access to Uplifted’s bridge program and 300-hour material so you can begin studying right away (which I highly recommend). The bridge program is mandatory for anyone who hasn’t completed 200-hour YTT with Uplifted. While I had no intention of taking a second 200-hour yoga teacher training, the 200/300-hours provides you a “bridge” from your original training to your next 300-hour training. You are given access to all pre-recorded material (including recorded live calls) to complete before the 300-hour training starts, at your own pace (so sign-up early!).

Completing the 200-hour bridge is nothing against your previous training with another yoga school, but strictly to ensure that all of the students in the 300-hour YTT are on the same page, have the same level of training, and so all can be ready to deepen their knowledge and share input from a place of relatively equal knowledge. The 300-hour training then begins as a cohort and you study alongside all that have joined for whichever start date you chose.

I learned so much in the Uplifted Bridge training, even after having done a 200-hour training that was excellent. That’s not to say that the training I first did was bad in any way, but Uplifted YTT truly does go above and beyond and filled in A LOT of gaps that traditional yoga instructor courses have. Studying online gave me time to take in the information more slowly and incorporate what I was learning in real time when I was teaching yoga classes either online or in studio. It really helped me to solidify my knowledge and has made me a better teacher. It’s also very beneficial to come back to the basics of yoga, in all aspects, after having taught for a while as an already certified yoga teacher. The amount of knowledge around yoga history and how to apply the yoga sutras to modern life was a rich and fulfilling part of the Uplifted online YTT that deepened my own yoga practice.

Remember: being Yoga Alliance certified only means that you know the very basics of yoga, not that you studied it deeply, live it authentically, and can teach it respectfully. The Uplifted online yoga school gets into all of this and more so that you can walk away with both a deep personal practice and deep knowledge of traditional yoga.

I encourage you to not write off the 300-hour program just because you don’t want to “re-do” your 200-hours. It will absolutely be a benefit for you.

How Uplifted Prepares You for Your Yoga Business

Slay Limiting Beliefs

No business or pursuit of entrepreneurship comes without limiting beliefs and digging through thought patterns that have kept you playing small. In the second module, Money, Mindset, and Mantra you’ll be guided through exercises and have live coaching on breakthrough money mindset blocks, be walked through how to set achievable goals, and creating a business plan that is both realistic and exciting. Walk away from this training feeling empowered by the message you discover that you want to share and confident in the value that you offer. The best part for me in this section was learning how to fail fast.

Tackle the Business Parts of Running a Business

I know as a yoga teacher your interest in the numbers and the behind-the-scenes necessities that are required to actually have a successful business may not be of the utmost interest. But realistically there are essential practices, tools, and steps needed to keep you sane and thriving! From hiring help, to what platforms to host your website on, the realities of what to charge private clients, and figuring out what type of business model you’re going to pursue, you’re supported through it all.

Build Your Brand with Confidence

Forget about colours and fonts…how do you want your student to feel? And most importantly, who is your student?! Learn exactly who your ideal client (avatar) is, how to speak to them, and get clarity on your offers. These essential steps for running a thriving business will simply your life and help you call in your people who will pay you. From the realities of teaching in studios, running a YouTube channel, creating a website, to hosting retreats, crafting the ideal message to call in your people, rest assured that you will understand the in’s and out’s of the business of yoga.

How to Know if Uplifted is Right for You…

  • You are interested in becoming a teacher in any sense. Whether you want to teach yoga to your friends and family, online, or in-person, Uplifted training covers it all.
  • You’re interested in deepening and/or strengthening your personal yoga practice. Even if you don’t want to become a certified yoga teacher there are so many valuable insights that will help you understand your practice better and allow you to practice more safely for your body… and get more creative too.
  • You want to be a part of a community. If community is important to you, then there is no doubt that you will find it in one of these training programs, and a global community too!
  • You are interested in starting a yoga business. The coverage of business in the courses is top notch and included. Many people after yoga training take additional business courses, here you have it all in one.
  • You are curious about learning all aspects of yoga. Many trainings focus significantly more on the physical (Asana) practice. While there is much to learn there, the Uplifted training guides you through yogic philosophy, yoga anatomy, energetic bodies, Ayurveda, and specialty modules including myofascial release, chanting, meditation, yin yoga, and restorative yoga. Plus it is all combined, meaning you can expect chanting to be spoken about in relation to anatomy, yoga philosophy spoken in relation to energetic bodies and the physical yoga practice, and so on. This connection between all yoga limbs is essential as it makes it so much easier to teach in your classes once you’ve graduated.

Tips for Maximizing Your Yoga Education

There’s No Right Time Take to Take YTT

Truthfully, there is no right time to join a YTT or to become a yoga teacher. You will no doubt be able to find excuses to convince you otherwise like “the market is too saturated” or “I’m too old,” “I’m not flexible enough” or “I don’t know enough”. Anyone can be a yoga teacher, just like anyone can practice yoga. While a training does have a price point, what you learn in a YTT and take to your mat is invaluable. Knowledge is enlightening. You will take it with you through life, not just on your mat. 

Whether you just want to deepen your personal practice or become a registered yoga teacher that actually makes a living off of teaching, this intensive course will give you a solid foundation for it all. There is no other course that prepares you to the depth that the Uplifted YTT does.

Set Aside More Time Than You Think

If a video is 28 minutes, don’t expect it to take 28 minutes! What I loved about taking a YTT online was that I was able to pause videos, scroll back, and take in the information again instantly until I truly understood a point. This is especially useful for yoga history and philosophy concepts that can be a bit more difficult to grasp and helped me tremendously. I played back videos a lot, paused to take notes plenty, and set aside extra time to go through the homework too. This will all help you become a better teacher and deepen your knowledge. While you don’t have to dedicate that much time to it if you don’t want to, this training feels a lot like a university course in the amount of material available to you in many different ways of learning.

Do the Suggested Practices When You Learn Them

It is so, so helpful to have such specific practices to what you learn each week. If you can watch the lecture on integrating progressions and regressions, for example, and then practice the full class that demonstrates how to do so for the entire class, you will solidify what you’ve just learned so well and be able to take it into your own teachings. Rather than just being given a set of yoga postures to memorize and piece together your own yoga class or sequence (like in many vinyasa yoga teacher trainings around the world), Uplifted online yoga teacher training gives you practice lessons to help you understand how to bring together a meaningful sequence for a practical purpose.

Download All the Interviews to Listen Offline

There is plenty of content that you can listen to offline that doesn’t require you to watch a video. Guest and expert interviews, podcasts, even meditations are great examples of what you can take to a park to sit in nature and practice, or listen to while commuting or on a walk. The different environments for learning is an excellent way to take in and fit in your studying. It’s also a unique aspect of the training that no other registered yoga school offers.

Take Your Time & Take Plenty of Breaks

It is one thing to take a YTT in-person as an immersive experience and to have your whole focus for 3 weeks be your training. It’s another to be taking such an in-depth course while also still working, taking care of your kids, daily chores, and life in general! Don’t expect yourself to be ready to study all the time. Give yourself time to ingest the information, to relax, sleep well, and enjoy life too. As someone who is very type-A I set myself up on a schedule and got burnt out from doing it all too quickly. It wasn’t until I slowed down (a lesson I am continuously learning) that the experience became even more enjoyable. Take it slow, but also find the discipline, the Sthira and the Suka, as you’ll learn in the 200-hours or bridge portion!

The Graduation Process You Didn’t Know You Needed

I won’t lie, I cringed when I saw the list of graduation requirements because I knew that doing them was going to push me outside of my comfort zone. But that’s the entire point. Uplifted YTT has a goal of ensuring that you’re ready to not only teach at an advanced level, but begin or up-level your business.

In order to receive your 300-hour YTT certificate you’ll need to…

  • Submit a 20-minute practicum. So yes, you will need to teach a themed class to a student or students and film yourself so you can upload it online. It’s great practice!
  • Have an offering up on your website. There’s no hiding here, you are required to not only have a website, but you will be asking your students to either sign-up for your email list or present them with a sales offer! Talk about getting to work.
  • Teach 5 yoga classes, two of which must be to private classes to ensure you are practicing your new knowledge to its fullest depth.
  • Complete and submit a practice log for a 40-Day practice (the same practice everyday in a row!). This forces you to practice before you preach and is seriously a life-changing habit.
  • Finish all journal prompts, exercises, and quizzes which can be done at your own pace.
  • Complete an exit survey.

I can confidently say that these graduation requirements set you up for success and will leave you ready to take your teaching skills out into the world. Are you ready to join Uplifted 300/500-hour and continue your yoga career? There’s no better time to invest in yourself than now.

What’s next?

  • Not sold yet? Get more course recommendations and tips to be sure you have the right training for you with my How to Choose a YTT Mini Guide!
  • Need a way to deepen your practice before YTT? Try my 30-day yoga adventure (which I created while doing this 300-hour YTT!) – Journey Home
  • Practice yin & vinyasa classes with me on YouTube to prepare for your upcoming training

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