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Hangover Yoga Flow: 7 Best Yoga Poses for a Hangover

Hangover Yoga Flow: 7 Best Yoga Poses for a Hangover

Trying to cure a hangover? Yoga can help you with that. Join me in a comfy and cozy yoga flow designed specifically for hangovers or try a few of the recommended gentle yoga poses below.

Is yoga good for hangovers?

The short answer is, yes! Yoga helps with circulation and even doing minimal movement and stretches help to get your blood flowing, which can help your body feel rejuvenated as oxygen moves throughout. Yoga can also help aid in digestion (something that is often affected by alcohol) and is said to help in releasing toxins.

That being said, it’s best to do gentle and more relaxing yoga over more intense yoga such as power.

Is it good to exercise when hungover?

Movement can certainly help cure a hangover, but the type of movement you choose and the intensity isn’t always ideal. Going for a walk or doing gentle yoga are great choices. More intense workouts that get you sweating, while they may feel like they’re helping you get rid of toxins, also contribute to dehydration, which is something you’re already battling when hungover.

Hangover Yoga Flow

A short and sweet 20-minute yoga practice that I do hungover with you!

Want more yoga flows? Subscribe on YouTube to find more and save to practice later!

Recommended Yoga Props

When practicing hungover, using some props can help your yoga practice be extra cozy, comfy, and supportive.

Top Yoga Poses for a Hangover

Opt to do a couple of these yoga poses on your own or create a yoga practice that suits how you feel by combining a few!

Reclined Twist Pose

A great stretch for your spine and especially your lower back, this variation of a reclined twist is a simple and supportive option.

Begin lying on your back. Hug your right knee into your chest, keeping your left leg extended long. Using your left hand on the outside of your right thigh, gently pull your leg towards the left. Extend your right arm out long, in line with your shoulder.

If it feels good on your neck, look towards the right. Allow your bent leg to fall towards the ground. It’s okay if it doesn’t touch. But if it feels like there’s too much strain, place a block or pillow under your knee for support. Stay for 5 deep breaths. Return to centre and repeat on the opposite side.

Fetal Pose

An extremely relaxing and restorative pose, fetal pose is one of the most supportive yoga poses that you can do.

From lying on your back, bring your knees into your chest and roll onto your right-hand side with your right arm extended long towards the top of your mat. Use your right arm as a pillow to rest your head on. Place your left hand in front of your chest for support. Take 5 deep breaths with your eyes closed before moving on. This pose can also be done rolling to your left. It doesn’t matter, just choose the side that feels good to you!

Cat & Cow Pose

Cat & cow pose is a simple favourite to wake up and stretch the spine with minimal movement.

Come to all fours, your hands under your shoulders, and your knees under your hips. Inhale, melt your belly towards the ground, lift your head, and allow your chest to open forward, between your arms. Exhale, pull your belly button into your spine, drop your head, and push the space between your shoulder blades up. Continue to move with your breath for a minimum of 5 rounds or longer. Feel free to move as your body feels as necessary, you don’t always have to stay in the same shape!

Extended Child’s Pose

A deeply satisfying relaxation pose, extended child’s pose is even better as a restorative option.

Sit back on your heels. Spread your knees to the edges of your mat. Place a bolster, a rolled blanket/towel, or pillow in front of your body. With a straight spine, walk your hands forward on either side of your prop until your body comes to lay on your prop. Rest your head on the prop too and look to either side. Hold for 5 deep breaths or longer.

You may want to adjust your prop in a way that’s comfortable for you. For some it’s having the prop under the tummy, chest, and head. Others prefer just the chest and head. Some even like to bring the prop between their legs so that they can sit on it to have their hips supported. Choose what works for you today.

Wide-Legged Forward Fold Pose

This pose really allows your body to lengthen and feels oh so good when hungover.

Sit on your bum and open your legs wide, to a point where it’s comfortable but you feel a bit of stretch in your inner thighs/groin. Allow your feet to relax. Bring your prop, a bolster, rolled blanket/towel, or pillows, and place it by your groin, extending straight out in front of you.

Inhale to reach the crown of your head towards the ceiling to straighten your spine, exhale, walk your hands forward until your upper body comes to lay on your prop. You may need to move your prop out a bit. If your whole body or head doesn’t reach the prop, place a block under your head or more pillows to bring the prop closer to you so you can fully relax into it. Hold for 5 deep breaths before slowly backing yourself out.

Legs Up the Wall Pose

This inversion requires minimal effort and is a great pose for circulation.

Sit on your bum with your hip pressed as close to the wall as you can get. Allow yourself to roll onto your back as you extend your legs up towards the sky and rest them on the wall. Your legs can be as close or as far apart as feels good. Allow your legs to completely rest against the wall and roll open.

Place your arms by your sides, completely relaxed or above your head grabbing opposite elbows. Your hands could also rest on your stomach, or one on your heart, one on your stomach. Do what feels best! Hold for 5 deep breaths minimum.

Corpse Pose

When hungover it’s best to make savasana as comfy as possible. Instead of just lying on your back, try placing a bolster, blocks, or pillows under your knees to relieve any lower back strain or pain. Place a block or pillow under your head, and maybe even cover yourself with a blanket. Talk about the ultimate relaxation pose!

More cozy yoga classes!

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